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Amazing facts about Fruits..

1.Apples have been proven to support heart health, protect against certain cancers, alleviate asthma, speed up weight loss and lower cholesterol. This is amazing, all these benefits just from eating apples!

2.Bananas are the one of the best source of potassium!Potassium is a very important mineral for our body.It helps your body to maintain a normal blood pressure and heart function.Bananas also helps against constipation.

3.Grapes are one of my favourite fruits,but you have to make sure that you get organic grapes,because non-organic grapes can be heavily sprayed with all sorts of chemicals and since we don't peel grapes we get most of these chemicals in us. 
Grapes keeps your heart and lungs healthy,and grapes also fight cancer.

4.Orange contain vitamin c,which protect us from some cancer,can lower your cholesterol and keep your stomach healthy because of all the fiber it contains.

5.Pineapples can destroy your taste buds.Believe it or not,it's absolutely true.It contains an enzyme called BROMELAIN.This enzyme break down protein in your mouth, namely taste buds.This can wreck your palate for the rest of the day until your mouth can heal itself.

6.Apples give you more energy than coffee.

In no way would we ever try to convince the coffee aficionados in our readership to give up their precious morning coffee. We’re not crazy. However, if you’re finding yourself a little low on energy during the afternoon then consider eating an apple in the morning with your coffee. Thanks to its high carbohydrate, vitamin, and mineral content, apples have the perfect storm of nutrition to help you stay energized all day.

7.The Adam's apple is so-called coz of the idea that it was created when the forbidden fruit got stuck in Adam's throat when he swallowed it.

8.Japanese Yubari cantaloupes are the most expensive fruit in the world; two melons once sold at auction for $23,500.

People in Japan pay astronomical prices for luxury fruit like tattooed apples and coddled cantaloupes, usually given as gifts. Demand has dropped in recent years, but the numbers are still pretty staggering. Get a closer look at one of these fancy fruit parlors here.

9.One pomegranate can hold more than 1,000 seeds.